parallelworlds 13 under daylight, 80 x 66 inches, 203,2 x 167,6 cm, 2012, oil, acrylic and neoncolor on canvas
bamboo 2, 200 x 170 cm, 2018, oil, acrylic and, ink on canvas
bamboo small 1, 60 x 45 cm, 2018, oil, acrylic on canvas
trees small 3, 39.4 x 31.5 inches, 100 x 80 cm, 2014, oil and acrylic on canvas
parallelworlds 12 under daylight, 76 x 86 inches, 193 x 218,4 cm, 2012, oil, acrylic and neoncolor on canvas
bamboo small 4, 75 x 60 cm, 2018, oil, acrylic and ink on canvas
parallelworlds 11 under daylight, 75 x 63 inches, 190,5 x 160 cm, 2012, oil, acrylic and neoncolor on canvas
bamboo 1, 180 x 150 cm, 2018, oil, acrylic and, ink on canvas
bamboo 3, 190 x 160 cm
2018, oil, acrylic and ink on canvas
bamboo small 3, 75 x 60 cm, 2018, oil, acrylic and ink on canvas
trees small 4, 39.4 x 31.5 inches, 100 x 80 cm, 2014, oil and acrylic on canvas